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Groovy Stuff: Ophelia's Overdose at Deviant Art

A young (20) girl from Essen, Germany is an artistic sensation.

Moondance by Ophelia's Overdose

Moondance by Ophelia's Overdose

Photograph: Boris Zorn
Model: Ophelia's Overdose

NOTE: If you click on the photo, the link will take you to the better resolution photo on the Ophelia's page.

Moondance is a flying beauty under the arcobaleno, a rainbow of dreams. Ophelia defyes gravity showered by the stars. Beat that. Her beauty leaves us speechless, breathless and in awe.

Embettled by Ophelia's Overdose

Embattled by Ophelia's Overdose


Photographer: Hartmut Nörenberg

Model, make-up and stylyst: Ophelia's Overdose

NOTE: If you click on the photo, the link will take you to the better resolution photo on the Ophelia's page.


Colaboration of two true artists; Ophelia and Hartmut create world in itself. Deviant Art admirerers go berserk over this photo: "You are absolutely AMAZING!! What does it take to do all these amazing photos?? I've wanted to do stuff like this for a long time but my anxieties and lack of funds (due to my anxieties) are holding me back ... :( You are amazing, you really are. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!" or perhaps: "Visually this is amazing, stunning and cool. The skin is flawless and very well lit. The detail is there and invites the eye to explore the scene and imagine the story behind it. The background is always important and the dim sunburst in the back speaks to a polluted London of Victorian times or a nuclear winter of an altered world, either way it fits right in.

As I said the skin is flawless and smooth with a bright glow to it and while the scene doesn't covey any form of sexiness the peek of breast adds a little titillation. The costume looks very cool and I wish I could see more of it. The goggles are to die for, the cracked lens adds to the mood of the image. The strap at the top I'm not to sure about, but at the same time its not totally out of place. The vents at the top, even without the smoke, are interesting."

One day, we at the LookinGlass Media would like to create some posters out of Ophelia's fantastic photographs. Would that be possible?? If yes, let us know at:

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